The CREEE is a continuation of the work done by the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Institute (REEEI) on RE technologies and their use, EE practices, policy and regulation development and climate change mitigation studies.
The White Paper on Energy Policy (1998) explicitly states that the “Government will promote the use of renewable energy through the establishment of an adequate institutional and planning framework, the development of human resources and public awareness and suitable financing systems”. It is against this background that REEEI was established to fulfil that role on behalf of the Government. REEEI has been very active in advancing sustainable energy by way of implementing programmes and projects in partnership with national and international partners. Some of the programmes/projects include the following:
- Namibia Energy Efficiency Programme in Buildings (NEEP) funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
- Piloting Concentrating Solar Power and Technology Transfer for Electricity Generation in Namibia (CSP TT NAM) funded by GEF and UNDP.
- Solar Thermal Training and Demonstration Initiative (SOLTRAIN) - supported by the Austrian Development Agency.
- National Wind Resource Assessment Project in partnership with NamPower, MTC and Energy and Environment Partnership for Southern and East Africa (EEP S&A).
- Namibia Energy Regulatory Framework, which is financially supported by the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP).
- Development and promotion of renewable energy quality standards with the Namibian Standards Institution.
- Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Capacity Building Programme (REEECAP) with support from the Royal Danish Government. .
- Various short training programmes.
The above and other projects/programmes have been implemented in partnership with and/or with full support from MME. REEEI is also coordinating the implementation of MME’s Off-grid Energisation Master Plan (OGEMP).
The Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CREEE) will take over all the roles and responsibilities of REEEI. The roles include, to:
- Facilitate and conduct research into RE and EE,
- Develop materials and standards, reports and disseminate information and materials on RE and EE, and
- Facilitate cooperation between MME and key stakeholders responsible for RE and EE
Strategic partners in the RE sector include:
- Ministry of Mines and Energy
- Renewable Energy Industry Association of Namibia
- Electricity Control Board
- NamPower
- Development partners
- Independent Power Producers (IPPs)
- Namibian Standards Institution (NSI)
CREEE will extend the current work of REEEI on RE technologies, EE practice and use, policy and regulation development and climate change mitigation studies. Namibia has enormous RE resources in the form of solar, wind and biomass. These resources, however, continue to make insignificant contributions to the overall energy economy. CREEE will explore ways to break the barriers associated with wide adoption and use RE and EE. Advisory Service and Training
The local RE industry and consumers demand that products coming into the Namibian market are tested for quality performance. The performance testing of these products and technical advice offered is best done by a neutral body such as CREEE. The Centre will test products such as solar waters and photovoltaic systems, amongst other RE technologies on behalf of NSI, government and private companies. In the same vein, CREEE will continue to lead the development, adoption and promotion of RE quality standards through NSI.
CREEE will continue to identify the RE & EE industry needs and other opportunities including continuous professional development and promote them directly or indirectly with support from different stakeholders. The Centre will help develop RE and EE curriculum in the education and training sector to align them with global trends.
The main beneficiaries or target customers for CREEE’s expertise include the Government, ECB, NamPower, the regional electricity distributors (REDs), municipalities and private –and public companies.